Computing - Motherboard & Desktop Computing
Data Spotlight: The Taiwanese Desktop PC Industry, 2Q 2009
April 24, 2009 / Gina Wang
11 Page, Statistics Report


In the first quarter of 2009, Taiwanese desktop PC shipment volume reached approximately 10.06 million units, dropping 6.6% sequentially and 8.1% year-on-year, due to weak demand in the market and inventory adjustments by the vendors. Starting in the fourth quarter of 2008, various branded vendors began adjusting their inventory levels by clearing buildups. Taiwanese desktop PC manufacturers' shipment performance merely saw slight rebound in February as some channel distributors stocked up to compensate for their lower-than-usual inventory levels. It was not until March that growth momentum emerged, what with the compensatory stocking and shipments for branded vendors whose contracts were about to expire.
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